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Saturday 23 August 2008

Do You Know the 5 Basic Principles of Autoresponders?

By David J Ogden

By the time you finish reading this article on autoresponders, you will know all the tips and tricks you need to know to do a top notch job with email follow up to make money and build relationships.

And autoresponder is an automatic way to follow up by email. This is just another example of the fantastic ways to use the Internet to make money and build a mailing list.

The most common ways an auto responder is used today is to build an opt-in mailing list. You can join an auto responder company such as Aweber or Get Response for under $20 a month.

Your goal when building your mailing list is to get people to subscribe to it. This makes it an opt-in list and eliminates any spam complaints because your autoresponder company will have a record of them subscribing.

You can create a sign up form from the autoresponder company itself. Then place this form on a landing page or all of your web pages to capture contact information of your visitors for future follow up.

Auto responders have improved greatly over the past few years. For example, Aweber does an excellent job of providing statistics for you to show how many of your email messages are getting through.

With all the spam filters in place it is important that your messages are being delivered, otherwise there is no sense in having a list. The more messages that are delivered and opened the more potential business you can get in the future.

When building your opt in list you want to offer something of value to get them to subscribe. Today that most commonly includes something for free such as a valuable free report, eBook, or these sorts of things.

Another thing to utilizing auto responders correctly is to set up a prewritten series of email messages. By doing this when someone subscribes they immediately begin to hear from you.

You want these messages to be more of a relationship type of building message. They're very soft sell in nature and are designed to drip information on your reader.

The nice thing about this approach is you begin to build relationships with your visitors and they get to know you as a trusted business partner. Then over time you can begin to sell more to your list.

Having an autoresponder and building a list is not really an option anymore. Chances are your competitors are using one to build their business and so should you.

Want to make money online now? Sign up for our FREE Internet Business Training Program and start receiving all the home business training, resources, tools and advice you need to become a successful work at home professional!

Copyright: David Ogden

Friday 22 August 2008

Confused About Autoresponders? Explained and Compared Here

by Jacob Hyten

If you aren't using autoresponders then just assume you will fail at internet marketing. In this article you will discover exactly what, why and how they work.

Why Do You NEED Autoresponders To Be Successful?

Autoresponders are used to achieve many of the marketing tasks that are essential to a successful online business. Internet marketing can be very time consuming. It doesn't matter what you are marketing online or what business you are doing an autoresponder is crucial to your arsenal and success.

What Do Autoresponders Do?

Autoresponders help you develop a relationship with potential customers and keep in contact with past customers.

Autoresponders can be used to deliver sales messages to your opt-in list (a list of people who have asked to be mailed by you), deliver email courses, and send reminders. Autoresponders can even help you start and build a list if you don't already have one.

Autoresponders are used to develop relationships and expose your product, business or yourself to your potential customer. Many people need to see a message or product several times before they feel comfortable making a buying decision. Autoresponders keep your message in front of your client until this happens.

How Do Autoresponders Work?

When potential customers come to your website it is important to capture their information to send messages to them. People fill in their name and email and their information goes directly to your autoresponder program. Within this program are preset messages that you've previously written to go out to these potential customers at a preset interval.

Autoresponders can be set to send out a message once a week, three times a week or even once a day. The great part about autoresponders is that you load the messages that you want to go out, set the intervals and leave it alone. It's automated and your list will get messages at the preset intervals which frees up your time to do other tasks. People will either become customers or will cancel themselves off the list.

With autoresponders you can also set up more than one campaign. You can set up messages to sell or talk about a business opportunity or you can also set up a campaign that sells widgets.

Things To Look For In Autoresponders

Before going with certain autoresponders make sure you keep these key things in mind.

1. Setting up autoresponders will be new to you so having customer service walk you through it will be important. Make sure there are people there to walk you through certain steps in setting up the autoresponders.

2. Ask what the deliverability rate is. If your messages don't get delivered to your list it doesn't matter how great they are.

3. Ask what other types of tools they have to help you build and manage your list.

Keith Carey and Jake Hyten are internet marketing experts who have combined more than 30 years of experience in marketing to help their teammates generate $1,000 per day using a revolutionary marketing system that eliminates the need of follow up, sales, or closing techniques. They are currently working with people by application only.

Thursday 21 August 2008

6 Email Automatic Responder Benefits For Optimal Business Opportunity Management

By Rika Susan

Cash and leads are king if you have an internet business. You may be familiar with the concept of an email automatic responder. You can use these versatile autoresponder systems to generate both cash and leads. Even if your website is geared towards advertising, you need to work on aspects such as list building. Gathering names and email addresses can create a cash machine that will pay handsome dividends in the long run. With an email automatic responder it will be simple to contact your target group from time to time to entice them into another affiliate purchase or a visit to your website.

If you are new to the web-based model, you will soon discover that an autoresponder is a crucial part of the package. What you have here is an email address that has been set up to respond automatically to a message it receives.

For example, your subscription to the service provides you with an opt-in form that you can utilize on your website. A visitor to your site sees this form and completes it. Immediately the details go through to the email autoresponder service. The service then replies automatically with a message you have prepared in advance. The most important aspect is that all the details of the new subscriber are captured and stored in a database, and thus your treasured leads list begins to take form. Other options in the functions also enable the response service to comply with specific requests, such as redirecting a new client to a particular web page.

Virtually every kind of internet business needs an email automatic responder. If you are working with an SEO consultant, this should be one of the first steps you are advised to take. It is as important as on-page search engine optimization tactics. You can use such a service for an MLM work at home business opportunity, an affiliate business or advertising website. Even if you are trying to make some money for college, this type of system can come in handy in a variety of ways. Lead generation is a vital part of every business and these services make it something that happens while you sleep!

Six Benefits Of An Email Automatic Responder

1. Create Automatic Communication Channels

Imagine how hands-off your business can become if you create an automatic communication channel with all your visitors and leads. This can continue twenty four hours a day, without you lifting as much as a finger. Simply make sure that you have a few messages or newsletters ready, and the service does the rest for you. You can concentrate on all the other facets of your business, or go on holiday for that matter. This is super-delegating! Your family will love your for it, as it gives you more time with them.

2. Gather Data Day-Long

An email automatic responder service is on call 24/7, ready to compile lists of prospects. As your leads give their permission for this gathering of details, it is a win-win situation. You are slowly building an absolutely targeted prospect list that will give you exponential growth in your virtual real estate's value.

3. Counting The Clicks

With every discount or special offer, you can include a link in the message. This enables the email automatic responder service to track the clicks. You can therefore keep a close eye on your stats, without becoming involved in the process. You will be able to form a picture of what is effective, and what should be skipped next time. The accuracy with which you can keep track of the results will help you to have your finger firmly on the pulse of your business.

4. Market Without Making A Move

As soon as you have set up a series of messages or newsletters, the service takes over. The messages are dispatched at regular intervals without your input. All those follow-ups can be used for marketing, even though you are out of the equation. You have no tracking and no paper work. The autoresponder marketing machine kicks into action, bringing in new leads and transforming them into loyal clientèle. Best of all, you can make sure that each client is addressed personally. This doesn't have to be mass-mailing.

5. Natty Newsletters

This is your chance to put on your designing hat and play editor. The service has facilities you can use to come up with tempting looking material. Your clients won't be able to resist the deals and will have to take a peek at what you offer. Every lead in the database will receive his or her special message at a specified date. Imagine what a time-saver this professional service can be.

6. Energize Existing Lists

Even if you have your own, existing list of leads, this is no problem. Your new system will easily and seamlessly incorporate these prospects into your new list. If you want to give a section of the leads list special treatment, your wish is their command. The email automatic responder service will send out what you want, when you want it, to whom you want.

So, dig yourself into the services of an email automatic responder service and book that long overdue holiday.

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Wednesday 20 August 2008

Auto Responders - Choices Are Many But Do You Know Which One to Choose?

By Willfred DeMarro

Auto responders of different types abound online. You can get free or paid. Computer hosted or remote hosted. Choices are many but do you know which one to choose?

It is very important you make the right choice of auto responder as it will mean that you do not have to move your list around later. This is certainly one tool I would advise you put your hands in your pockets and pay for rather than opt for a free version. Free auto responders will often carry third party advertisements. This does not present a professional image of your business.

If you are just starting out then it makes sense to go for a third party auto responder. Basically they will take care of your list management leaving you time to invest in your business. It will only set you back about $20 a month. Well worth it in my opinion. Also they operate a verified opt in which means you can't be accused of spamming.

Autoresponder services want your business and so are quite happy to offer you a 30 day free trial period. This allows you time to check and set up the product before you start to make payments. One such auto responder service is Aweber which I use and highly recommend. Aweber has great features like link tracking which allows you track how many times the links in you emails are clicked on by your subscribers. It has a Spam counter which gives you an indication of the spamminess of your message. You can then make amendments to get your email through. I have also heard good things about Getresponse.

If deliverability is what you are after (and it should be) then Aweber is one of the best in the industry. At the end of the day you want your message in your subscribers inbox and not eaten up by a Spam filter. You want to be certain that your emails are getting through.

It goes without saying that if your message does not get to your subscribers inbox then of course you are losing potential revenue. Deliverability is therefore a very important matter to consider when it comes to choosing an auto responder.

Want to know how I use auto responders to make money online?

Simply subscribe to my free list building eCourse at: http://www.List-Building-Success.com

Willfred D is an expert author and marketer specializing in opt in list building and pre qualified traffic generation techniques.

(c) Copyright - Willfred D. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Willfred_DeMarro

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Autoresponders Are Great Tools When Used Effectively

By Joanne Ott

Autoresponders are one of the best tools for online marketing and follow up when used correctly.

Unfortunately, too many people use it for aggressive and hype filled sales pitches. One message after the other just promotes the opportunity and how they can make money if they just join NOW.

This is the wrong way to go about it!

The purpose of your messages should be to let the prospect get to know you. A person who is looking for a business opportunity is also looking for leadership and someone who can help them find financial independence.

This is your opportunity to shine! Let the person get to know you, and tell them your story. You can also mention other people on your team who are successful, but it should be mostly about you. Uppermost in your prospect's mind is going to be what can you do to help them. Your messages should explain very clearly how.

Create the image of regular person that's building a business from home using the
internet. The more real you present yourself... just be you... the more you'll connect with
people who are much like you.

Tell them about "Attraction Marketing" and how it helps you attract serious quality people
and let them know your system is personalized to YOU so that you can leverage the
internet to build good relationships with total strangers all over the world.

Your prospect needs to know whatever you are doing is easy to duplicate, whether they live in
the USA or Australia.

Explain your marketing system and how it works, and how they can soon be making money if they
are coachable and do what other successful people are already doing.

You will find it much more likely that people will want to do business with you if they believe they can use the system and tools you are using.

Introduce them to your business lightly at first, and only after they understand how you make money at it. Your company's sales may have increased 30% the last two years, or may have outstanding management with lots of experience. Perhaps you have an exclusive product not available anywhere else. While these things may be important, it isn't the prospect's biggest concern in the beginning. They first of all want to know if they can be successful at it.

Another point to make is how often should your prospect receive your messages? Most don't join right away, in fact many take a few weeks and sometimes even months.

So you will want to have messages in your autoresponder for at least a year. When the prospect fills out your opt in form the first message is usually delivered right away, then typically the second one the next day or two days later, but after that you want an interval of at least 3 or 4 days, and into the second months and beyond once a week or twice a month is plenty. Otherwise, you will be having people opt out rather quickly.

You don't want to give them too much too soon. It is overkill if you do.

Using your autoresponder effectively will allow you to turn what were once total strangers into friends and business partners. It is something the serious marketer simply can't be without!

Joanne Ott has many years experience in network marketing. She enjoys working with others and helping them reach their goals. Her blog is at http://joanneott.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joanne_Ott

Monday 18 August 2008

Aweber Autoresponder Review - Is it a Good Autoresponder?

Email marketing is a form of marketing which uses electronic marketing as a means of communicating with potential customers and if you own a blog or website you know how important it is to be able to follow up with your customers or readers. Aweber autoresponder is an autoresponder that helps to automate the process of email marketing. A lot of things has been said about it, but here is a review of what to expect from it.

Aweber comes with 5 main features which are the ability to send email newsletters, the ability to create autoresponders, the ability to manage unlimited email campaigns, the ability to turn your RSS feed into a blog newsletter and over 75 HTML templates which you can copy and paste to use in your emails or if you want, you can create your own using the message editor they have. The account also comes with unlimited email campaigns, newsletters, goal actions and autoresponders.

The good thing about Aweber is that you have a full money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with it and their customer support is one of the best out there, you can even reach them by phone or email or live chat.

The not so good thing is that it is not a one time fee you either pay monthly or you pay yearly but this is because the service they provide is continuous

All in all, Aweber autoresponder does look like a good responder and if you are someone who is looking into email marketing it might be worth giving it a try. But before you buy make sure you read more about to ensure it is what you are expecting

To find out more about Aweber autoresponder Click Here Now

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Segun_Ling

Sunday 17 August 2008

Why Your Autoresponder is Your Top 24-7 Employee

With so much competition to face on the internet, it is vital you promote your web site on a consistent basis while keeping touch with every single customer you can. This is not an easy task to do alone because of the numerous other responsibilities you are in charge of when running your own home business. But if you want to be making money online, having an autoresponder is essential.

Having an autoresponder can be a great way to expand on your affiliate marketing opportunity. It allows you to run effective promotion marketing leading to ongoing sales and follow ups. In addition, you can set up an entire schedule of communication between your prospects and past customers days, weeks and even months in advance.

While the saying is true that the internet never sleeps, you do. Because of this, having an autoresponder can allow you to work while you are asleep and wake up refreshed to a plethora of return emails you received over night. There is no question that having an autoresponder truly acts as your top 24/7 employee.

One of the most tiresome and monotonous parts to running a business is keeping track of what each customer bought and having to track down the information they requested. Having an autoresponder will take care of all of this for you. This service will manage each and every link that you set up while reminding you and following up with recent purchases.

There is no better way to keep the customers coming than to give them the attention they deserve. While you are not necessarily speaking with them every time, it allows you to spread your love for each customer all at the same time. Continuous contact may seem monotonous, it is something that must be done to succeed with an affiliate marketing opportunity.

Not only does an autoresponder allow you to take care of all customers in a timely manner, it also allows you to multi-task. There are far too many things to take care of with a home business to sit back and do all on your own. Because of this, an autoresponder gives you the chance to take care of other business, promote your business, add fresh content, and get in touch with other customers all while you are having emails sent out.

There is nothing like having an autoresponder service for your business. It allows you to keep in touch with all customers quickly and efficiently while multi-tasking to the fullest. And this is the key to making money online.

Michele Vanacht is the webmaster of http://www.wealth-homebiz.com - Affiliate Marketing Opportunity.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michele_Vanacht

Saturday 16 August 2008

How to Use an AutoResponder

An AutoResponder is an essential tool to build any business online. The reason you go into business is to find and keep your customers. An autoresponder will make this job so much easier for you so you can work on marketing your business.

There is a bit of confusion around the online community surrounding autoresponders. Some people think they are a piece of software for loading email addresses into so you can then blast thousands upon thousands of people your message and promote your business.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

What they were designed for is to allow you to collect the details of visitors to your web page. The way you do this is by offering a gift in exchange for the person's name and email address. You can actually collect a large number of details but on the first visit you would not want to try to collect their home address as you may not have much luck.

When the visitor completes this form they are giving you consent to send them information about your business and to deliver the gift that you offered. An autoresponder is a tool that you can have up to several hundred pre-written messages stored to be delivered at pre-determined intervals. This is a great way to build a relationship with your future customers.

When someone opts into your list, usually they will receive a message immediately, then several more a day or two apart and gradually the messages will get further apart up until they are around 1 week between mailings.

You will then be able to follow up with broadcast messages every time you have a special offer for your list or some content to pass on. The sole purpose is to create and maintain interest in your prospect. Your list is your customer base just like in an offline business.

Lets look at some other ways autoresponders can be used.

1. Training- When a customer buys your product or joins your team you should be collecting their details. You will provide them instructions to use the product or train them to build their team if they have joined your business.

2. Recruiting Affiliates- If you sell a product you will find that your best affiliates will be a happy customer. After you collect the details of your customers you should be reminding them that you have an affiliate program and that they can make some extra money referring people to your website.

3. Delivering The Product- You can use the autoresponder to deliver the digital product. You can add attachments to the messages like any other email or simply send them a link to the download page. Directly after the payment page you will ask the customer to enter their details so they can get the product delivered and be kept up to date with software upgrades or whatever is applicable to your product.

4. Reduce Refunds/Returns- After collecting your new customers details you would send them at least one unadvertised bonus. This would not be mentioned in the sales page and means you would be 'over-delivering' on your product. Another method I have seen is offering extra bonus products at say 15 or 30 days after the sale. The autoresponder can handle this easily and your refund rate should plummet if you can create extra value in these bonus offers.

5. Promote Back End Products- It is a lot easier to make a sale to someone who has brought from you before. You have their trust and as long as you recommend good products that make their life easier or help them build their business this be the easiest way to maintain your income.

There are many more including collecting testimonials, checking up on your customers, surveying your customers and more. I am sure you would have just got your own idea after reading this article and are ready to get your own business on auto pilot by using an autoresponder.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Azian_Usman

Friday 15 August 2008

How to Write Autoresponder Emails That Get Top Notch Results

Email marketing is a highly lucrative way to make money as an internet marketer, and one of the easiest ways to make use of this powerful tool is with a top notch autoresponder series. However, many marketers are unfamiliar with how to create a solid autoresponder series. In this article, I'm going to show you how to create an autoresponder series of email which will not only help you build trust with your list, but will also help you to increase the number of sales you make from your email marketing efforts.

Building Trust First - Sales Second

The first thing you have to do if you are going to try and market to a list using an autoresponder series is to build up some sort of relationship with them. They need to know they can trust you before you hit them with a heavy sales pitch and convince them to buy. Remember, a list of subscribers who trust you are worth more than thousands of regular visitors who don't know you at all. As you build that relationship with your list by offering quality content in your autoresponder emails, you'll soon find that you can recommend any product of value to them and pull in a decent conversion. So, the first few emails in your AR series need to be more substance than sales.

This isn't to say that you can't include links to your product pages within the first few emails; only that it is important to make certain that selling isn't the focal point of those emails. Instead, think about the problem your product will solve for your customer. Your autoresponder series should first and foremost revolve around helping your subscribers to solve that problem. Because your ultimate goal here is to make more sales, you don't have to go into exact details on how to solve their problem, a little ambiguity is fine so long as it is surrounded by quality advice, as well.

Within each of your autoresponder emails you want to build a sense of urgency amongst your readers, so that when you do hit them with your sales pitch they are eager to find the answers they are looking for and purchase from you. Do this by continuously building up the benefits of having your product - do it gradually - and by offering small snippets of advice and content from the actual product.

If done correctly, by the time the last email in your autoresponder series hits, and your readers receive that final sales pitch, they will have either already bought your product or be so anxious to do so that you create a steady stream of sales doing nothing more than giving them exactly what they need.

Also, as customers from your leads list purchase because of your autoresponder emails; be sure to move them to a different list, with a new AR series, so that you can sell them on your backend products as well.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bradley_J_Spencer http://EzineArticles.com/?How-to-Write-Autoresponder-Emails-That-Get-Top-Notch-Results&id=1405257

Thursday 14 August 2008

How to Craft Your Autoresponder Series After Your Prospects Have Opt-In

By Kelvin Lee

Setting up an autoresponder series can be tough for some marketers, especially for those who are still new to this business.

Therefore this article is written for the sole purpose of providing solution to help marketers set up their autoresponder series for the first time because I have difficulty looking for such information when I first start doing this business. Therefore I hope that this article can be of help to you.

Here are what you need to provide

1) Create an email to deliver the freebies you promise your prospects when they opt-in

2) Create a series of article emails consisting of information that are evergreen. (These are information that are not going to be outdated). Then set the autoresponder to certain days interval and it will be send out automatically.

3) Create a series of emails recommending paid products. Then send them out at regular intervals to earn you income. Do not adopt the habit of bombarding your leads with email offer after offer because it will piss them off. Please avoid promoting products that you will not recommend to your mother or your best friend no matter how good the commission. Your reputation plays a vital role in this business.

These are the basic autoresponder series you need to set up before you embark on your business. If you are willing to provide more, you can also consider doing survey, special promotion and anything that is special and uniquely yours.

Now put this into practice and you will see the result soon.

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Kelvin Lee is the founder of , a platform that provides informative help for internet marketers of all levels. For more Internet Marketing Strategies, drop by http://www.InternetSuccessHub.com today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelvin_Lee

Wednesday 13 August 2008

What Are Different Types of Autoresponders?

A autoresponder is a computer program that automatically answers e-mail sent to it. The earliest autoresponders were created within mail transfer agents. They would kind of bounce messages when they were not able to deliver the mail.

You must have come across a mail that bounced and says something like "your e-mail could not be delivered because..." Many mail services today provide an option of automatic reply when you are going on vacation etc. That is also an example of autoresponders.

But autoresponders are much more than that.

Autoresonders are a marketing tools that are used to build list, provide content to email subscribers, offer automatic downloads and launch email campaigns. When used as an e-mail marketing tool, autoresponder immediately provides information to their prospective customers and then follow-up with them at preset time intervals.

Autoresponders can be broadly divided into two categories.

First category are the autoresponders that operate on the provider's infrastructure and are usually configurable via a web-based control panel. The customer pays a monthly usage fee and is provided access to the features of autoresponders. Advantage of this kind is that everything related to maintenance is on service provider's head. It is easier to implement and quite popular.

SPAM is also a danger with autoresponders and service providers are better in dealing with this issue.

Hosted Autoresponders - In this kind, the user installs the autoresponder system on their own server. This requires technical knowhow. Everything related to administration is on the head of user. He would also have to deal with SPAM issues.

Autoresponders are also part of some electronic mailing list software. They are used here to confirm subscriptions, unsubscriptions, posts, and other list activities.

Autoresponders are a valuable tool in internet marketing and online business. They have become an indispensable part of arsenal that marketer would carry to succeed.

Arun Pal Singh is an internet marketing consultant and web author who runs website http://www.homeforprofits.com to help online entrepreneurs with information and ready made products.

Visit http://www.homeforprofits.com to find how his information can provide the leverage that your business needs to grow and expand.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Arun_Pal_Singh http://EzineArticles.com/?What-Are-Different-Types-of-Autoresponders?&id=1134259

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Why Your Home Internet Business Needs an Autoresponder

If you are going to run a home Internet business of your own you must set up a system to follow up with your prospects. The Internet offers a fantastic way to do that through the use of an auto responder. Here are a few reasons why your home business absolutely must use an autoresponder.

Did you know that some people need as many as 12 exposures to your product before they will actually make a purchase? Depending on the person they may even need more than that!

How are you going to do that unless they bookmark your website and come back to it on their own? You can't and therefore you must be using an autoresponder to do it for you.

An autoresponder is just an automatic way to send email. If you have ever been on a website and saw a sign up form, chances are that website is trading your contact information for something of value when you fill out that form.

Then they're going to follow-up with you by e-mail over and over until you finally make a purchase. This is known as building an opt-in list, and it's really a fantastic way to make money and develop a contact list of people to follow up with in the future.

There are free auto responders available on the Internet, but they generally limit the things you can do. Besides your website or blog, an auto responder is the most important Internet business tool that you have. Therefore, you don't want to cut any corners and it's worth paying for a quality one that will do what you want it to.

Besides just selling an autoresponder is an excellent way to get to know people on the Internet. It's a way for you to brand yourself as an expert in the field that your home business is in.

It's also an excellent way for you to build credibility with your prospects. You do this by offering things of value and not only selling all the time. This a passive approach to Internet marketing, and it's very effective because people will go to your website and make purchases when they are ready.

This is another reason why you want to use a paid autoresponder, because you can personalize your messages as though you are sending it just to that individual subscriber. You can also brand your business by including graphics and logos in your email messages.

This is a few really good reasons why your home Internet business needs an autoresponder.

David Ogden is an established online marketer who specializes in practical [http://www.affiliate-profit-masters.com/]website resources and advice that have helped many people like you start their very own home based business. He can help you launch your very own money making website today, ready to take orders and pull in massive profits for you right now, guaranteed!

Work at Home Training for Success [http://www.affiliate-profit-masters.com/optin.html]Make Money Online Now

Copyright: David Ogden

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_J_Ogden http://EzineArticles.com/?Why-Your-Home-Internet-Business-Needs-an-Autoresponder&id=1395937

Can Your Business Use an AutoResponder?

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Brian_Rooney]Brian Rooney

If you've been using email for any length of time, you are most likely familiar with the type of autoresponder that sends out those automated "I'm away" or "I'm on vacation" messages. Most web hosting and email providers refer to these types of autoresponders as "away" or "vacation" settings within their email programs. These are good for a quick one shot automated email reply to let someone know that you got their message or that you are away and will be returning to reply later.

Setting up this type of "one off" autoresponder is usually pretty straight forward. A quick glance through your email settings or your web hosting control panel are usually all that is required to activate it.

However, if your business email marketing needs go beyond simply sending a one-time message, it may be time to look in to what is known as a Sequential Followup AutoResponder.

This type of autoresponder is much more robust and includes a number of powerful features that are starting to be adopted by businesses and organizations around the world.

The simplest way to think of this type of autoresponder as like an email-on-demand system. Any time your autoresponder receives a request via email or a form, it can automatically respond with whatever information you have loaded in to it.

There are a number of ways your business can put autoresponders to work.

You could set up a series of pre-written sales letters.

You could create a mini-course that you schedule to go out every few days.

You could create a price list that would automatically be sent out to anyone that requests it.

You could create a newsletter or ezine that gets sent out to subscribers once a week.

You can also set up special offers that your autoresponder can broadcast out to your subscriber lists whenever you like.

Some of the important features you should look for are:

The ability to create, store, and send as many letters as you need.

The ability to personalize each message by inserting the reader's name and other personalization features.

The ability to send your messages in either plain text or html (preferably both).

The ability to track the response rate of each message.

There are basically two options for getting an autoresponder. One option is to purchase autoresponder software that you would install or have someone install on your server. If you are technically adept, enjoy messing with software installation, and are prepared to spend time managing bounces, changing email protocols, and various technical issues that will inevitably arise, this can be a good option.

If, however, you prefer to focus on the actual job of marketing, creating messages, and running your business, you may be better served by using a hosted autoresponder service where you pay a small monthly fee. When you go with a hosting autoresponder service, it is the job of the autoresponder company to make sure that hardware and software issues are kept up with, as well as manage the ever changing landscape of email marketing legislation. Most businesses prefer to pay a reasonable monthly hosting fee so that the technical wizards can focus on the technical requirements while they focus on their business.

Once you've decided on an autoresponder service, your next step is to create the messages that your autoresponder will send out. I recommend creating 5 to 7 followup messages since marketing studies have shown that it can take up to 7 contacts before your customer decides to purchase from you.

Effective use of a followup autoresponder can help any business maximize their profits by capturing visitor information and then helping to convert those visitors in to customers.

Many businesses, after using autoresponders, quickly wonder how they ever got along without them.

Brian Rooney has been using autoresponders to build, manage and profit from his own in-house lists since 2000. Brian operates TrafficWave.net LLC which provides autoresponders for businesses worldwide. Brian can be reached at http://www.trafficwave.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_Rooney http://EzineArticles.com/?Can-Your-Business-Use-an-AutoResponder?&id=1392984

Monday 11 August 2008

Why Use AutoResponders?

AutoResponders are becoming more and more popular as the online marketing tool of choice.

Why? To put it simply: AutoResponders may very well be the most effective tool an online marketer can use.

If you have been around online marketing for any length of time, you have undoubtedly come across some version of the followiing phrase:

"The Profit Is In The List".

Successful online marketers know that the key to online marketing success is to use AutoResponders to build, manage, and profit from their own in-house lists.

When I started my first online company, I started marketing to a list I had built quite by accident. I had written a series of articles about different marketing strategies and tactics I had been using at the time. As people read my articles, they had begun emailing me with questions, comments, etc... I hadn't realized it at the time but as I was saving those emails in my email program, what I was actually doing was building my own list of online marketers.

When the time came for me to announce my own new company, I sent out an email to this list of folks I had been interacting with and the result was that I generated orders within a few minutes of sending the offer to my list!

To this day, I focus my advertising efforts on lead generation more than direct sales.

Why? Because I know that when I build my lists of targeted prospects, I can effectively sell to those lists over and over again.

Using an AutoResponder is like having your own personal sales assistant that is dedicated 100% to helping you generate leads and then follow up with those leads to sell your offers.

How can you use AutoResponders in your business?

You can use AutoResponders to send out a weekly newsletter or ezine.

You can use AutoResponders to sell back-end offers to existing customers.

You can use AutoResponders to train your sales organization.

You can use AutoResponders to inform your prospects, members, or associates of upcoming events.

This list could go on and on but the basic idea is that if you can think of any situation where you have needed or wanted to communicate with a significant group quickly, efficiently, or consistently, chances are, you could be using AutoResponders to handle that task for you.

Brian Rooney is the Founder of TrafficWave.net LLC. TrafficWave provides powerful AutoResponder and AdTracking technology to thousands of businesses around the world. Brian Rooney can be reached at http://www.trafficwave.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_Rooney http://EzineArticles.com/?Why-Use-AutoResponders?&id=1386931

Sunday 10 August 2008

Autoresponder Marketing - Planning the 6 Easy Steps to Setup Your Own Autoresponder

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Fabian_Tan]Fabian Tan

Email autoresponders are programmed email tools that allow you to automatically send or schedule emails to other email addresses. You can set the date you choose to send mails. Email autoresponders are easy to use, and for anyone sending mail to your email box, you can automatically reply to as many incoming mails as you like. Email autoresponders saves you time, since you do not have to write new mails each time someone sends you an email. Instead, you can type a message into a blank box and send that same message to your customers or other incoming mails anytime you like. Using email autoresponders is easy, it only requires a few steps to save you time.

Step 1: Log in to your Control Panel area, and click on the Menu tab and select autoresponder, you will see a tab that allows you to add your autoresponder. Select the tab

Step 2: Type in the email address that you want to assign to the autoresponder, type in your name or the name of the responder in the appropriate field

Step 3: In the Subject line, type in the subject

Step 4: If you wish to send an HTML message, click on the enable tab

Step 5: in the body of your email, type in your message

Step 6: now select the "Create" tab beneath the "Body Window,"

Each provider gives you different ways to set up your email autoresponders. Be sure to consider your providers and the tools that they offer you, as this step-by-step procedure may not apply to all emails.

Fabian Tan is a well-known [http://www.murderyourjob.com/index1.html]Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your FREE copy now before its gone!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fabian_Tan http://EzineArticles.com/?Autoresponder-Marketing---Planning-the-6-Easy-Steps-to-Setup-Your-Own-Autoresponder&id=1393288

Sunday 3 August 2008

Email Autoresponders - How To Make Them Work For You

So you have started up your internet online business and you are getting some traffic. You're making a few sales and/or you're bringing in some revenue from AdSense or from some form of affiliate marketing. Now the question is: how can you build on this beginning and maximize your sites revenue producing power?

One way to do this is by using an email autoresponder. This allows you to keep in touch with your visitors and customers in a very powerful way. It ensures that each visitor to your website is not just a casual one off visitor who browses your pages and then disappears for ever, but will potentially be returning to your site again and again, perhaps to make a purchase on their second or third visit. And also a visitor who has made a purchase will be more likely to return to purchase from you again if you are using an autoresponder.

So how does it work?

There are different types of methodology depending on your personal choice, but essentially it involves putting into your site in a fairly prominent place, an invitation to the visitor or customer to provide their contact details. This would normally be only their name and email address, although in some cases, there is an argument for saying that more details are required.

You will probably get more people filling in the form if you keep the details you ask them to provide down to an absolute minimum. Many people have an issue about providing too much of their personal info to a website, and they have every right to feel that way.

Once they have filled in the form and have been made aware that this grants you permission to send emails to them, then you are free to send auto response emails to all the names on your list. Once you get going with this, you will very soon find that you have quite a long list. The beauty of an email autoresponder is that it is just as easy to email a thousand names as it is to email ten of them.

What you include in the emails you send is entirely up to you, it can be tailored to suit the requirements of your own particular business or website activity. It can take the form of a newsletter, or information about the latest products or services you are offering, or whatever you like.

In our experience, we have found that the most effective auto emails are those in which there is at least some element of a personal touch. Obviously in an email going out to potentially thousands of people, it is not possible to be completely personal, but that kind of feel can be achieved with a little bit of practice. Readers do not like to feel that they are being treated as though they are a robot! Another thing that people tend to shy away from is the hard sell approach. So it is best to just present your products or services.

This way, if you have a long list of subscribers, the numbers game will start to work in your favour. One time visitors will return and many of them will become regular customers.