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Wednesday 24 September 2008

Autoresponders Are Your Best Friend

When marketing your business and communicating with your current and potential customers, email autoresponders are your best friend. There is no doubt about it. If you're not sure how they work, then you are in for a treat. They are a tool that everyone who is serious about making online should have.
How it works
The autoresponder kicks in when someone emails you. What happens is that person receives an automatic response from your email specific to the type of email received from them. For example: If a person fills out the opt-in form on your website, they are then graced with a welcome email. If a person sends you an email about a general inquiry to the email that you receive inquiries from, they will receive an email that says you will respond to them as soon as possible or within 24 hours.
You can also set your autoresponder to send out a scheduled email for you. If you create a newsletter, you can set the frequency in which that newsletter is sent to those in your address book. You can set for the information to be sent daily, weekly, or monthly. It is totally up to you.
Very profitable
What you'll find is that this type of correspondence is very profitable. You can send out your scheduled emails and immediately respond to those who email you without having to actually be at the computer. The autoresponder does a lot of the work for you so that you can focus on other important things.
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Saturday 23 August 2008

Do You Know the 5 Basic Principles of Autoresponders?

By David J Ogden

By the time you finish reading this article on autoresponders, you will know all the tips and tricks you need to know to do a top notch job with email follow up to make money and build relationships.

And autoresponder is an automatic way to follow up by email. This is just another example of the fantastic ways to use the Internet to make money and build a mailing list.

The most common ways an auto responder is used today is to build an opt-in mailing list. You can join an auto responder company such as Aweber or Get Response for under $20 a month.

Your goal when building your mailing list is to get people to subscribe to it. This makes it an opt-in list and eliminates any spam complaints because your autoresponder company will have a record of them subscribing.

You can create a sign up form from the autoresponder company itself. Then place this form on a landing page or all of your web pages to capture contact information of your visitors for future follow up.

Auto responders have improved greatly over the past few years. For example, Aweber does an excellent job of providing statistics for you to show how many of your email messages are getting through.

With all the spam filters in place it is important that your messages are being delivered, otherwise there is no sense in having a list. The more messages that are delivered and opened the more potential business you can get in the future.

When building your opt in list you want to offer something of value to get them to subscribe. Today that most commonly includes something for free such as a valuable free report, eBook, or these sorts of things.

Another thing to utilizing auto responders correctly is to set up a prewritten series of email messages. By doing this when someone subscribes they immediately begin to hear from you.

You want these messages to be more of a relationship type of building message. They're very soft sell in nature and are designed to drip information on your reader.

The nice thing about this approach is you begin to build relationships with your visitors and they get to know you as a trusted business partner. Then over time you can begin to sell more to your list.

Having an autoresponder and building a list is not really an option anymore. Chances are your competitors are using one to build their business and so should you.

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Copyright: David Ogden